Splošni pogoji so sestavni del turističnih aranžmajev med Roundabout d.o.o. ali pooblaščenim potovalnim agentom v imenu Roudnabout d.o.o. in potnika (v nadaljevanju: naročnik), ki rezervira kateri koli produkt Roundabout Travel - načrtovan dnevni izlet, zasebni enodnevni izlet, shorex ali zasebni večdnevni turistični paket (v nadaljevanju: turistični aranžma). Splošne pogoje naročnik sprejme ob rezervaciji in veljajo takoj od trenutka, ko naročnik potrdi rezervacijo dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja Roundabout Travel z Roundabout d.o.o.
Naročnik lahko rezervira turistični aranžma v poslovalnicah Roundabout d.o.o. (Pražakova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija), po telefonu, elektronski pošti ali preko pooblaščenega turističnega agenta v imenu Roundabout d.o.o. Z rezervacijo Roundabout d.o.o. in potnik soglašata z določenim turističnim aranžmajem in vsemi informacijami, ki so neposredno povezane z njim – trajanje, itinerar, postopek rezervacije, način plačila, plačilni pogoji itd. Ob rezervaciji mora potnik navesti vse potrebne podatke in osebne podatke, ki jih zahteva obrazec za rezervacijo in plačati celoten (100 %) znesek ob rezervaciji katere koli načrtovane dnevne ture Roundabout Travel ali zasebne dnevne ture Roundabout Travel. Ob rezervaciji mora potnik navesti vse potrebne podatke in osebne podatke, ki jih zahteva obrazec za rezervacijo, in plačati znesek 30 % predplačila celotnih stroškov aranžmaja za večdnevna turistična potovanja, razen če je v turističnem aranžmaju navedeno drugače. Preostali znesek mora potnik poravnati najkasneje 30 dni pred datumom odhoda. V kolikor potnik do tega dne ne plača preostalega zneska turističnega aranžmaja, se šteje, da je odpovedal rezervacijo. V takem primeru Roundabout d.o.o. ravna po določilih teh Splošnih pogojev SPREMEMBA IN ODPOVED REZERVACIJE V IMENU NAROČNIKA (točka 5).
Roundabout d.o.o. sprejema glavne kreditne kartice (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard in Maestro) za plačilo turističnih aranžmajev. Za bremenitve kreditne kartice so potrebni posebni podatki, ki bodo obdelani šele po predložitvi izpolnjenega Roundabout Travel obrazca. Za plačila s kreditno/debetno kartico ni dodatnih stroškov ali provizij za storitve.
Cena turističnega aranžmaja je navedena v vsakem programu potovanja in začne veljati z dnem objave posameznega programa. Cene za vse aranžmaje so podane v evrih (EUR). Roundabout d.o.o. si pridržuje pravico do spremembe cen v skladu z Obligacijskim zakonikom (spremembe nastanejo zaradi sprememb menjalnih tečajev, sprememb cen prevozov, sprememb cen goriva, …). V primeru spremembe cen turističnih aranžmajev Roundabout d.o.o. je dolžan obvestiti naročnika najkasneje 20 dni pred dnevom odhoda. Če cena dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja preseže 8 %, ima potnik pravico do odpovedi rezervacije brez dodatnih stroškov. Morebitne odpovedi v teh okoliščinah pa morajo biti izvedene najpozneje 2 dni po tem, ko je bila stranka obveščena o spremembi cene. Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico v dogovorjenem turističnem aranžmaju navesti, da mora potnik plačati izbirne storitve, ki so del dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja (storitve, ki so jasno opredeljene pod rubriko NI VKLJUČENO), neposredno ponudniku storitev na kraju samem. V takem primeru naročnik prevzame polno odgovornost, da reklamacijo uveljavlja neposredno pri ponudniku storitev.
Pri vsakem turističnem aranžmaju je jasno navedeno, katere storitve so vključene v skupno ceno in katere niso ter so naročniku jasno vidne v rubrikah VKLJUČENO in NI VKLJUČENO. Posebne storitve se štejejo za doplačilo in niso vključene v ceno turističnega aranžmaja: doplačilo za enoposteljno sobo, drugačne vrste sob od tistih, ki so navedene v turističnem aranžmaju, dodatni ali posebni obroki, dodatni izleti ipd. in so jasno opredeljene pod točko NI VKLJUČENO. Prav tako je treba doplačati ne glede na stroške turističnega aranžmaja: stroške vizuma, letalske vozovnice in pristojbine itd., ki so jasno opredeljene pod rubriko NI VKLJUČENO. Vse te dodatne storitve naročnik plača posebej (poleg osnovnih stroškov aranžmaja). Naročnik lahko ob rezervaciji izrazi svoje želje glede posebnih storitev, kadar koli je to mogoče, za katere pa bodo zaračunani dodatni stroški, ki jih mora pokriti naročnik. Dodatne storitve je potrebno plačati (v ustrezni lokalni valuti) turističnemu vodniku ali Roundabout d.o.o. predstavniku povsod, kjer se te storitve izvajajo. Med potovanjem lahko potnik kupi dodatne storitve (nastanitvene storitve, prehrana, izleti, vstopnine za znamenitosti), ki jih izvajajo lokalni ponudniki in ločeno od Roundabout d.o.o. Pri nakupu katere koli od teh dodatnih storitev bodo za stranko veljali njihovi pogoji. Razen če potnik zahteva določeno raven namestitve (določeno število zvezdic), bo nastanitev nacionalne kategorizacije ciljne države vključena v turistični aranžma. Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico, da potniku ob prihodu na cilj sporoči ime namestitve.
Potnik ima pravico do odpovedi ali spremembe dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja neposredno pri operaterju, kjer je opravil rezervacijo.
Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico zaračunati stranki administrativne stroške v višini 25 € (EUR) za vsako spremembo potrjenega turističnega aranžmaja.
Naročnik ima pravico do odpovedi rezervacije. Odpovedi morajo biti pisne in naslovljene na Roundabout d.o.o., če je bila rezervacija opravljena neposredno na Roundabout d.o.o. (spletna stran Roundabout Travel, e-pošta, telefon, pisarna Roundabout d.o.o.). Če je bila rezervacija opravljena prek pooblaščenega potovalnega agenta, je treba vse spremembe in odpovedi nasloviti neposredno nanj. Pooblaščeni zastopnik lahko spremeni stroške odpovedi poleg spodaj navedenih. Strankam svetujemo, da ob rezervaciji vedno preverijo pravila odpovedi pri določenem agentu.
Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico do povračila stroškov zaradi odpovedi potovanja, katerih višina je odvisna od časa pred dnevom začetka opravljanja storitve, v katerem je potnik odpovedal pogodbo o potovanju. Stroški odpovedi so izraženi v % celotne cene turističnega aranžmaja.
Odpovedni stroški za Roundabout Travel zasebne dnevne izlete in zasebne večdnevne paketne izlete:
- 59-45 dni pred odhodom je strošek odpovedi 15% celotne cene aranžmaja,
- 44-30 dni pred odhodom je strošek odpovedi 30% celotne cene aranžmaja,
- 30-15 dni pred odhodom je strošek odpovedi 50% celotne cene aranžmaja,
- 14-8 dni pred odhodom je strošek odpovedi 75% celotne cene aranžmaja,
- 7 -0 dni pred odhodom je strošek odpovedi 100% celotne cene aranžmaja,
- Za neprihod je strošek odpovedi 100% celotne cene aranžmaja.
Odpovedni stroški za Roundabout Travel načrtovane dnevne izlete:
- 0 stroškov odpovedi za vsako odpoved do 48 ur pred izletom,
- Za odpovedi med 48 in 24 urami pred izletom, je strošek odpovedi 50 % celotne cene aranžmaja,
- Za odpovedi 24 ur pred izletom ali manj, je strošek odpovedi 100% celotne cene aranžmaja.
- Za odpoved na dan odhoda za izlete, ki se začnejo po 8.30 zjutraj, je potrebno plačati strošek odpovedi v višini stroškov potovanja.
Potnik ima pravico odpovedati turistični aranžma med njegovo izvedbo, vendar mora podati pisno izjavo, iz katere jasno izjavlja namero o prekinitvi turističnega aranžmaja v postopku. Če se potnik v takih okoliščinah odloči za prekinitev turističnega aranžmaja, ni upravičen do nikakršnega povračila stroškov ali kupnine, ne delno ne v celoti. V kolikor se potnik odloči za spremembo dogovorjenega načrta potovanja ali ne potuje v skladu z dogovorjenim načrtom potovanja, se šteje, da je odstopil od pogodbe o potovanju. V tem primeru naročnik nima pravice do povračila stroškov ali kupnine, ne delno ne v celoti.
Odpoved posameznih strank iz rezervacije za več skupin, kjer velja stopnja popusta za skupino, bo ta stopnja popusta izgubljena, ker ni več mogoče izpolniti meril za kvalifikacijo. Skupna cena za preostale stranke iste skupinske rezervacije bo ustrezno prilagojena.
Naročnik je v celoti odgovoren za vse stroške in posledice, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi nepravilnih podatkov, ki jih je posredoval Roundabout d.o.o. ali drugega pooblaščenega potovalnega agenta ob rezervaciji. Roudnabout d.o.o. je upravičen do povrnitve škode, če naročnik Roundabout d.o.o. ni pravočasno sporočil pravilne podatke, ki bi lahko vplivali na izvedbo turističnega aranžmaja in pri katerih se ugotovi, da naročnik namerno ni posredoval Roundabout d.o.o. vseh potrebnih informacij , zaradi katerega je prišlo do dodatnih stroškov.
Za vse potovalne aranžmaje, ki jih naročnik kupi neposredno pri Shappi (www.shappa.si), veljajo njihovi posebni pogoji (https://www.shappa.si/predstavitev/znacilnosti-potovanj.html).
Za vse potovalne aranžmaje, ki jih stranka kupi neposredno pri Nemo Divers (www.nemo-divers.si), veljajo njihovi posebni pogoji (https://www.nemo-divers.si/potovanja).
Na podlagi veljavne zakonodaje, Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico do odpovedi skupinskega turističnega aranžmaja najkasneje 7 (sedem) dni pred datumom odhoda, v kolikor ni dosežen zahtevani minimum (premalo prejetih rezervacij za realizacijo turističnega aranžmaja). Roundabout Travel načrtovane dnevne izlete lahko odpove najkasneje 15 (petnajst) ur pred načrtovanim izletom. Najnižje zahtevano število potnikov je določeno pri vsakem programu posebej in je dostopno na spletni strani Roundabout Travel in v brošurah, letakih, katalogih. V kolikor bi se to zgodilo (število gostov ne bi doseglo minimuma, potrebnega za realizacijo turističnega aranžmaja), Roundabout d.o.o. ne odgovarja za povračilo škode gostom, ki so rezervirali turistični aranžma, vendar se vsakemu potniku v celoti povrne vplačano plačilo za odpovedani turistični aranžma.
Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico delno ali v celoti odstopiti od pogodbe o potovanju s potnikom (individualni potnik, skupina več popotnikov, pooblaščeni turistični agent), če pred dnem odhoda in med trajanjem turističnega aranžmaja nastopijo nepredvidene okoliščine, ki jih ni bilo mogoče predvideti, odpraviti ali se jim izogniti. Takšne okoliščine predstavljajo za Roundabout d.o.o. upravičen razlog, zaradi katerega agencija v takih okoliščinah ne bi sklenila turističnega aranžmaja, kot je bilo dogovorjeno ob rezervaciji turističnega aranžmaja. Roundabout d.o.o. si pridržuje pravico do spremembe ali dopolnitve turističnega aranžmaja, kot tudi popolnega ali delnega odstopa od turističnega aranžmaja, v primeru višje sile (t.j. politični nemiri, vojna ali grožnja vojne, nemiri, zaprtje letališč, zaprtje pristanišč, teroristična dejavnost), naravne in jedrske nesreče, požar, epidemija, neugodne vremenske razmere ali drugi podobni dogodki izven nadzora agencije (Roundabout d.o.o.). Roundabout d.o.o. ima v takem primeru možnost ponuditi naročniku svoje storitve v drugi obliki - nadomestiti z alternativnimi aranžmaji primerljive vrednosti brez dodatnih stroškov ali zagotoviti celotno ali delno vračilo, če se bistveno spremenijo bistveni elementi paketa, razen cene.
Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico do spremembe datuma in ure odhoda ali do odpovedi turističnega aranžmaja zaradi spremembe voznega reda poletov ali drugih sprememb glede prevoznega sredstva, vključenega v turistični aranžma, zaradi višje sile. Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico do spremembe smeri turističnega aranžmaja zaradi spremembe nepredvidenih pogojev potovanja (sprememba voznega reda ponudnika prevoza, višja sila ali drug nepričakovan vzrok, na katerega agencija ne more vplivati) brez povračila škode in po veljavni ureditvi potniškega prometa.
Če bi Roundabout d.o.o. odpovedi turističnega aranžmaja zaradi višje sile, naročnik ni upravičen do povračila stroškov vizumov, stroškov cepljenja in drugih storitev, ki jih je naročnik kupil individualno in jih ni organiziral Roundabout d.o.o. (letalske karte, vstopnine, prevozne storitve, prehrana itd.).
Če Roundabout d.o.o. odstopi od turističnega aranžmaja v času njegovega izvajanja (trajanja), je potnik upravičen do povračila denarja za manjkajoče storitve. Naročnik pa ni upravičen do povračila administrativnih stroškov in stroškov zavarovanja, sklenjenega pri zavarovalnici.
Roundabout d.o.o. si pridržuje pravico do spremembe dogovorjenega namestitvenega objekta naročnika, premestitve v drug objekt enake ali višje kategorije, zaradi višje sile in drugih situacij, ko je bilo takšne spremembe nemogoče predvideti ali se jim izogniti.
Roundabout d.o.o. ima v času trajanja turističnega aranžmaja pravico delno ali v celoti odstopiti od pogodbe s potnikom, če potnik ne upošteva splošno sprejetih pravil obnašanja v državi, kjer poteka aranžma. Če potnik s takim ravnanjem ogroža dobro počutje in zdravje drugih potnikov ter predstavniku agencije onemogoča izvedbo dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja, Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico delno ali v celoti odstopiti od pogodbe o potovanju.
Vse stranke, ki rezervirajo turistični aranžma v tujini, morajo imeti veljaven potni list ali drug ustrezen dokument, ki jim omogoča vstop v tujo državo. V primeru, da določene države pogojujejo vstop v državo z določenim dokumentom (vizumom), mora potnik te dokumente pridobiti pred potovanjem oziroma do datuma, navedenega v programu. Stranke, ki niso rezidenti EU, morajo pridobiti vse potrebne dokumente, ki jih zahtevajo države destinacije potovanja in države, ki jih prečkajo na potovanju. Mladoletne stranke (mlajše od 18 let) morajo pridobiti vso potrebno dokumentacijo za prehod meje za mladoletne potnike. Če potnik ne izpolni danih obveznosti ali se zgodi, da zaradi neurejenih dokumentov potnik ne more potovati ali mora iz istega razloga prekiniti ali odpovedati turistični aranžma med njegovim trajanjem, Roundabout d.o.o. upošteva pogoje poslovanja. V primeru, da Roundabout d.o.o. posreduje v postopku pridobitve vizuma za potnika, agencija ne more zagotoviti, da bo njeno posredovanje uspešno. Posredovanje v postopku pridobitve vizuma ni vključeno v ceno turističnega aranžmaja in ga mora potnik plačati poleg stroškov turističnega aranžmaja. Stroški posredovanja v postopku se naročniku v nobenem primeru ne vrnejo. V primeru, da potnik med trajanjem turističnega aranžmaja izgubi svoje dokumente ali pride do kraje dokumentov, ki so potrebni za nadaljevanje potovanja ali vrnitev v domovino, si mora potnik na lastne stroške zagotoviti nove dokumente. V primeru, da mora potnik prekiniti turistični aranžma zaradi izgube ali kraje dokumentov, ni upravičen do sorazmernega povračila vplačane cene turističnega aranžmaja.
Vse stranke morajo spoštovati carinske in devizne predpise Republike Slovenije, kakor tudi drugih držav, v katere potujejo. V primeru, da potnik zaradi nespoštovanja teh predpisov ne more nadaljevati potovanja, je edini dolžan nositi posledice in stroške, ki nastanejo zaradi nastale situacije.
Po predpisih Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije se mora naročnik pred potovanjem v določene države cepiti in pridobiti ustrezne ustrezne dokumente, ki potrjujejo cepljenje. Cepljenje je obvezno tudi v primerih, ko je bil tak zdravstveni predpis sprejet po opravljeni rezervaciji. Zavrnitev cepljenja ni opravičljiv razlog za odpoved rezervacije, razen če obstajajo kontradiktornosti glede zdravstvenega stanja naročnika. V tem primeru mora naročnik predložiti uradno zdravniško izjavo. Roundabout d.o.o. ne odgovarja za morebitne zaplete ali odpoved potovanja v imenu naročnika, do katerih bi lahko prišlo zaradi nespoštovanja zdravstvenih predpisov države, v katero potuje.
Prevoz prtljage je brezplačen do določene teže, ki jo določi ponudnik prevoza. Roundabout d.o.o. ne prevzema nobene odgovornosti za poškodovanje ali izgubo prtljage. Izgubo ali poškodbo prtljage mora potnik prijaviti neposredno podjetju, ki je opravilo prevoz, ali namestitvenemu objektu, kjer potnik biva. Pri potovanju z letalom je po predpisih, ki veljajo v mednarodnem zračnem potniškem prometu, za prtljago odgovorna letalska družba. Roundabout d.o.o. ne odgovarja za krajo ali poškodovanje prtljage, kakor tudi ne za druge osebne stvari, dragocenosti in dokumente v namestitvenem objektu, v katerem je gost (hoteli, hotelske sobe, apartmaji ipd.).
Vsak potnik – imetnik pogodbe o potovanju z Roundabout d.o.o., ima pravico do pritožbe zaradi nezadovoljive storitve Roundabout d.o.o. V skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot) mora potnik odgovornemu naročniku navesti razloge za vložitev pritožbe in predložiti ustrezne dokaze o neustrezni storitvi (nepravilnosti ali odstopanja od primarno dogovorjenega in plačanega turističnega aranžmaja) odgovorni osebi za storitve (sedež Roundabout d.o.o.), Roundabout d.o.o. uradnemu predstavniku na destinaciji ali lokalnemu ponudniku storitev na destinaciji potovanja. Potnik mora pisno reklamacijo vložiti najkasneje v 15 (petnajstih) dneh po zaključku turističnega aranžmaja. V primeru, da naročnik zamudi zakonsko določen rok za vložitev reklamacije, le-ta ne bo veljavna. Brez predložitve pisne reklamacije, naslovljene na Roundabout d.o.o., le-ta ne bo predmet obravnave, niti zahtevka za povračilo ali znižanja stroškov, ali kakršnega koli drugega zahtevka. Ob vložitvi pisne reklamacije mora naročnik predložiti ustrezno potrdilo vodje hotela, ponudnika prevoznih storitev ali druge pooblaščene osebe, ki bo potrdila zahtevke naročnika, ki bodo služili kot podlaga za nadaljnji zahtevek za povračilo stroškov (npr. potrdilo o plačilu ali potrdilo o prejemu). Če je Roundabout d.o.o. odgovoren za neizvedbo turističnega aranžmaja ali posamezne storitve, vključene v turistični aranžma, je potnik upravičen do povračila ali delnega povračila realne vrednosti neustrezne storitve. Če Roundabout d.o.o. ne zagotovi dogovorjenih storitev, je naročnik upravičen do povračila kupnine za neizkoriščene storitve v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot). Roundabout d.o.o. je prost kakršnega koli zahtevka za vračilo v primerih, ki so jasno navedeni v razdelku 6, ko Roundabout d.o.o. ima pravico do odpovedi, spremembe ali spremembe dogovorjenega turističnega aranžmaja.
Roundabout d.o.o. zahteva, da stranka zagotovi individualno celovito zavarovanje za odpoved, zdravstvene stroške, osebno nesrečo, osebno prtljago, denar in javno odgovornost pred začetkom potovanja. Pri potovanju v tujino je priporočljivo skleniti zdravstveno zavarovanje z globalnim kritjem.
Vse cene turističnih aranžmajev podjetja Roundabout d.o.o. vključujejo davek na dodano vrednost. Z rezervacijo turističnega aranžmaja pri Roundabout d.o.o., da vsaka stranka Roundabout d.o.o. dovoljenje za uporabo vsega foto in video materiala, ki je nastal med potovanjem (fotografije in video posnetki lahko vključujejo stranke) za promocijsko in komercialno uporabo. Naročnik je osebno odgovoren za kakršno koli neprimerno ravnanje ali škodo, ki jo povzroči z neprimernim ravnanjem, še posebej za škodo, ki nastane zaradi neupoštevanja teh splošnih pogojev. Naročnik je dolžan kriti škodo takoj v hotelu ali kateri koli drugi lokaciji (ki jo določi fizična ali pravna oseba), kjer je nastala škoda. V primeru spora med Roundabout d.o.o. in naročnikom, so vsi pravni postopki v pristojnosti sodišča v Ljubljani. Roundabout d.o.o. ne prevzema odgovornosti za morebitne napake v promocijskem materialu (katalogi, letaki, brošure in spletne strani). Ti Splošni pogoji nadomeščajo vse predhodno izdane Splošne pogoje.
These General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the travel arrangements between Roundabout d.o.o. or an authorized travel agent on Roudnabout d.o.o.’s behalf and the passenger (hereinafter: Client) booking any Roundabout Travel product - a scheduled day trip, private day trip, shorex or private multi-day travel package (hereinafter: travel arrangement). The General Terms and Conditions are accepted by the Client at booking and applicable immediately from the moment the Client confirms their booking for the agreed Roundabout Travel travel arrangement with Roundabout d.o.o..
The Client can book a travel arrangement in Roundabout d.o.o.’ offices (Pražakova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija), by phone, e-mail or through an authorized travel agent on Roundabout d.o.o.’ behalf. By making a booking Roundabout d.o.o. and the Client agree to a specific travel arrangement and all information directly related to it – duration, itinerary, booking procedure, payment method, payment conditions etc. At booking the Client must provide all the necessary information and personal details required by the booking form and pay the full (100 %) amount when booking any Roundabout Travel scheduled day tour or Roundabout Travel private day tour. At booking the Client must provide all the necessary information and personal details required by the booking form and pay the amount of 30 % avans payment of the total travel arrangement costs for multi-day package tours, unless stated differently in the travel arrangement. The Client must settle the remaining amount 30 days before departure date at the latest. In case the Client fails to pay the remaining amount of the travel arrangement by this day, it is considered that they have cancelled their booking. In such case Roundabout d.o.o. follows the regulations of these General Terms and Conditions AMENDMENT AND CANCELLATION OF BOOKING ON BEHALF OF THE CLIENT (Section 5).
Roundabout d.o.o. accepts major credit cards (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Maestro) for payment for travel arrangements. Credit card charges require specific information, which will be processed only upon submitting a completed Roundabout Travel submission form. There are no additional charges or service fees for credit / debit card payments.
Price of travel arrangement is stated in every travel program and becomes valid with the day of the publication of each program. Prices for all the arrangements are given in Euros (EUR). Roundabout d.o.o. reserves the right to change the prices according to the Obligations Code (the changes take place due to changes in currency exchange rates, changes in transport tariffs, changes in fuel prices, …). Should prices of travel arrangements change, Roundabout d.o.o. has the responsibility to inform the Client 20 days before the day of departure at the latest. If the price of the agreed travel arrangement exceeds 8%, the Client has the right to cancel their booking without any additional costs. Yet any cancellations under these circumstances must be made 2 days after the Client has been notified of the price change at the latest. Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to state in the agreed travel arrangement that the Client should pay for the optional services that are part of the agreed travel arrangement (services that are clearly specified under section NOT INCLUDED) directly to the service provider on spot. In such case, the Client takes fully responsibility to claim any reclamation demand to the service provider directly.
Every travel arrangement clearly specifies on what services are included in the total price and which are not an are clearly visible to the Client under sections INCLUDED and NOT INCLUDED. Specific services are to be considered extra and are not included in the price of the travel arrangement: single room supplement, different room types from those specified in the travel arrangement, additional or special meals, additional excursions etc. and are clearly specified under section NOT INCLUDED. Also subject to extra payment regardless the costs of the travel arrangement are the following: visa costs, airline tickets and fees etc., which are clearly specified under section NOT INCLUDED. All these extra services are to be paid by the Client separately (in addition to the basic arrangement costs). When making a booking, the Client can express their wishes regarding special services whenever possible, which will be subject to additional costs that must be covered by the Client. Extra services must be paid (in correspondent local currency) to the travel guide or Roundabout d.o.o. representative wherever these services take place. During travel, the Client can purchase extra services (accommodation services, meals, excursions, entrance fees for attractions) that are run by local providers and separately from Roundabout d.o.o. If purchasing any of such extra services, the Client will be subject to their terms and conditions. Unless the Client requests a specific level of accommodation (specific number of stars), accommodation of national categorization of the destination country will be included in the travel arrangement. Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to inform the passenger about the name of the accommodation upon arrival to the destination.
The Client is entitled to cancel or change the agreed travel arrangement directly with the operator where the booking was made.
Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to charge the Client an administration fee of 25 € (EUR) for any amendment of the confirmed travel arrangement.
The Client has the right to cancel the booking. Cancellations must be in writing and addressed to Roundabout d.o.o., if the booking was made directly to Roundabout d.o.o. (Roundabout Travel website, e-mail, phone, Roundabout d.o.o. office). If the booking was made through an authorized travel agent, all amendments and cancellations must be addressed directly to them. The authorized agent may vary cancellation charges in addition to the ones specified below. Clients are advised to always check cancellation policy with the specific agent at booking.
Roundabout d.o.o. cancellation fees specified below depend on periods of notice given prior to departure date and are expressed in % of the total travel arrangement price.
Cancellation policy for Roundabout Travel private day tours, private multi-day package tours and shorex tours:
- 59-45 days before departure, cancellation fee is 15% of total price
- 44-30 days before departure, cancellation fee is 30% of total price
- 30-15 days before departure, cancellation fee is 50% of total price
- 14-8 days before departure, cancellation fee is 75% of total price
- 7 -0 days before departure, cancellation fee is 100% of total price
- For no-shows cancellation fee is 100% of total price.
Cancellation policy for Roundabout Travel scheduled day tours:
- 0 cancellation fee for any cancellation up to 48 hours before the tour
- Cancellations between 48 and 24 hours before the tour, 50 % cancellation fee applies.
- Cancellations made 24 hours before the tour or less, 100 % cancellation applies.
- Cancellation on the da of departure for tours starting later than 8:30 am, will be subject to a cancellation fee equivalent to the cost of the trip.
The client is entitled to terminate a travel arrangement during its execution but has to provide a written statement clearly stating their intention to terminate the travel arrangement in process. If the Client decides to terminate the travel arrangement in such circumstances, they shall not be entitled to any reimbursements of costs or purchase price, neither in part nor entirely. Should a Client decide to change the agreed itinerary of the travel arrangement or they do not travel in accordance with the agreed itinerary of the travel arrangement, it shall be considered that the Client has withdrawn from the travel agreement. In such case the Client has no right to any reimbursements of costs or purchase price, neither in part nor entirely.
Cancellation of individual clients from a multiple booking where a group discount rate applies, such discount rate will be forfeited as the qualifying criteria can no longer be met. The total price for the remaining clients of the same group booking will be adjusted accordingly.
The Client is fully responsible for all the costs and consequences, which may occur due to incorrect information they had provided Roundabout d.o.o. or other authorized travel agent when making a booking. Roundabout d.o.o. is entitled to compensation for damage if the Client failed to provide Roundabout d.o.o. correct information of any kind that could affect the execution of the travel arrangement and where it is discovered that the Client intentionally failed to provide Roundabout d.o.o. required information and additional costs of such scenario occurred.
All travel arrangements purchased by the Client directly with Shappa (www.shappa.si) are subject to their specific Terms and Conditions (https://www.shappa.si/predstavitev/znacilnosti-potovanj.html)
All travel arrangements purchased by the Client directly with Nemo Divers (www.nemo-divers.si) are subject to their specific Terms and Conditions (https://www.nemo-divers.si/potovanja)
Based on the valid legislation, Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to cancel group travel arrangements 7 (seven) days prior to date of departure at the latest, in case the minimum required has not been reached (not enough bookings received for the realization of the travel arrangement). Roundabout Travel scheduled day tours can be cancelled 15 (fifteen) hours before the scheduled tour at the latest. The lowest number of passengers required is determined with every program individually and available on Roundabout Travel website and brochures, leaflets, catalogues. Should this happen (the number of guests does not reach the minimum required for the realization of the travel arrangement), Roundabout d.o.o. is free of any responsibility for the damage compensation to the guests, who booked the travel arrangement, yet every passenger is fully reimbursed of the payment they had previously made for the cancelled travel arrangement.
Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to partially or completely resign from the travel agreement with the Client (individual traveller, group of more travellers, authorized travel agent), in case, before departure day as well as during the duration of the travel arrangement, unexpected circumstances occur, which could not had been anticipated, eliminated or avoided. Such circumstances represent for Roundabout d.o.o. a justified cause in which the agency, in presence of such circumstances, would not have concluded the travel arrangement as agreed at booking the travel arrangement. Roundabout d.o.o. reserves the right to amend or alter a travel arrangement, as well as fully or partially withdraw the travel arrangement, in case of force majeure (i.e. political unrest, war or threat of war, riots, closure of airports, closure of ports, terrorist activity, natural and nuclear disasters, fire, epidemic, adverse weather conditions or other similar events out of the agency’s (Roundabout d.o.o.) control). Roundabout d.o.o. has in such case the possibility to offer the Client its services in another form - substitute with alternative arrangements of comparable value at no extra costs or provide a full or partial refund if essential elements of the package, other than price, are changed significantly.
Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to change the date and time of departure or to cancel a travel arrangement due to a change in flight schedules or any other changes regarding means of transport included in the travel arrangement due to force majeure. Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to change the direction of the travel arrangement due to changes of unexpected conditions of travel (change of transport provider timetable, force majeure or any other unexpected cause, that is out of the agency’s control) without any reimbursement for the damage and according to the valid regulation of the passenger traffic.
Should Roundabout d.o.o. cancel travel arrangements due to force majeure, the Client is not entitled to a refund for visas, vaccination costs and other services that were purchased by the Client individually and not arranged by Roundabout d.o.o. (airline tickets, entrance fees, transport services, meals etc.).
If Roundabout d.o.o. withdraws from the travel arrangement during its execution (duration), the Client is entitled to a refund for the missing services. However, the Client is not entitled to a refund of administrative costs and fees of insurance taken out with an insurance company.
Roundabout d.o.o. reserves the right to change the Client’s agreed accommodation facility, to move them to another facility of the same or superior category, due to force majeure and other situations where such modifications were impossible to have been anticipated or avoided.
Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to partially or completely resign from the travel agreement with the Client during the duration of the travel arrangement, if the Client does not follow generally accepted behaviour rules in the country where travel arrangement takes place. If the Client with such behaviour endangers the wellbeing and health of other passengers and prevents the representative of the agency to execute the agreed travel arrangement, Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to partially or completely resign from the travel agreement.
All Clients, who book a travel arrangement abroad, must have a valid passport or another suitable document that enables them to enter a foreign country. In case certain countries condition the entry to the country with a specific document (visa), the Client must acquire these documents before the travel or until the date stated in the program. Clients who are not EU residents, must acquire all the necessary documents, required by the countries of the travel destination and the ones they cross when travelling. Underaged clients (less than 18 years old), must acquire all the necessary documentation for border crossing for underage passengers. Should a Client fail to fulfil obligations given or should it occur that due to the Client’s unregulated documents they are not able to travel or for the same reason, they have to terminate or cancel the travel arrangement during its duration, Roundabout d.o.o. follows the terms and conditions. In case Roundabout d.o.o. mediates in the procedure of acquiring a visa for the passenger, the agency cannot guarantee that its mediation will be successful. Mediation in the procedure of acquiring visa is not included in the price of the travel arrangement and must be paid by the Client in addition to the costs of the travel arrangement. The cost of mediation in the procedure is not returned to the Client in any case. Should the Client lose their documents during the duration of the travel arrangement or should documents be stolen, and are necessary for the continuation of travel or for the Client’s return to their home country, the Client has to provide for new documents on their own costs. In case the Client has to interrupt the travel arrangement due todocuments loss or theft, they are not entitled to the proportional reimbursement of the paid price of the travel arrangement.
All Clients must respect the customs and currency control regulation of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as of other countries they are travelling to. Should the Client, due to disrespect of these regulations, be unable to continue the travel, the Client is the only one to carry the consequences and costs, as a result of such situation.
According to the regulation of the World Health Organization the Client is required to get vaccinated before travelling to certain countries, as well as to acquire adequate corresponding documents confirming vaccination. Vaccination is obligatory even in cases when such health regulation was accepted after the booking was made. Rejection of vaccination is not an excusable reason for the cancellation of booking, unless there are contradictions for the Client’s health. In such case the Client has to provide official medical statement. Roundabout d.o.o. is not responsible for eventual complications or the cancellation of the travel on behalf of the Client which could occur due to disrespect of health regulations of the country they are travelling to.
The transport of luggage is free up to a certain weight limit, determined by the transport provider. Roundabout d.o.o. does not take any responsibility for luggage damage or loss. The Client must report luggage loss or damage directly to the company that provided transport or to the accommodation facility, where the Client is staying. When travelling by airplane, according to the regulation, valid in the international air passenger traffic, the airline is the one responsible for luggage. Roundabout d.o.o. is not responsible for luggage theft or damage as well as for other personal belongings, valuables and documents in the accommodation facility, where the Client is staying (hotels, hotel rooms, apartments, etc.).
Every Client – holder of a travel agreement with Roundabout d.o.o., has the right to submit complaints due to unsatisfactory services provided by Roundabout d.o.o. According to Consumer Protection Act (Slovene: Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov – ZVPot), the Client has to provide the reasons for filing a complaint and provide relevant evidence for unsatisfactory service (irregularities or deviations from the primarily agreed and paid travel arrangement) to the responsible person for the services (Roundabout d.o.o. headquarters), Roundabout d.o.o. official representative at destination or the local service provider at the travel destination. The Client must hand in a written complaint 15 (fifteen) days after the conclusion of the travel arrangement at the latest. In case the Client fails the legally determined date for handing in the complaint, it will not be considered valid. Without providing a written complaint addressed to Roundabout d.o.o., it will not be subject to consideration nor reimbursement or reduction claim or any other type of claimAt filing the written complaint, the Client must provide relevant confirmation of the hotel manager, transport service provider or other authorised person that will confirm the Client’s claims, which will serve as a base for further reimbursement claim (for example, confirmation of payment or receipt). If Roundabout d.o.o. is responsible for not executing the travel arrangement or single services included in the travel arrangement, the Client is entitled to a refund or partial refund of the real value of the unsatisfactory services. If Roundabout d.o.o. fails to provide the agreed services, the Client is entitled to a refund for the not used services in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Consumer Protection Act (Slovene: Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov – ZVPot). Roundabout d.o.o. is free of any refund claim in cases clearly stated in section 6, when Roundabout d.o.o. has the right to cancel, change or modify the agreed travel arrangement.
Roundabout d.o.o. requires that the Client provides individually comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, medical expenses, personal accident, personal baggage, money and public liability before the travel arrangement starts. When travelling abroad, it is recommended to obtain health insurance with global coverage.
All information that the Client provides in order to make a booking, are held secure by Roundabout d.o.o.. The information are passed on to the relevant suppliers of the travel arrangements. The information may be forwarded to public authorities such as customs or immigration required by them, or as required by law. Certain information may also be passed on to security or credit checking companies. Roundabout d.o.o. will pass on clients’ information to persons responsible for their specific travel arrangements and services. This may apply any sensitive information that are provided by the Client such as details of any disabilities, dietary or religious requirements. Such sensitive information will be passed on to suppliers directly in case they are required by them to provide al details of your booking. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions clients consent this information being passed on to the relevant persons. Where the data might be passed on for marketing purposes, clients have the right to decide in the settings sections or eventually opt out of future marketing activities.
All the prices of Roundabout d.o.o. travel arrangements include value added tax. By booking a travel arrangement offered by Roundabout d.o.o., each Client gives Roundabout d.o.o. permission to use all photo and video material produced during the travel arrangement (the photographs and videos may include Clients) for promotional and commercial use. The Client is personally liable for any misbehaviour or damage they cause by misbehaviour, especially for damage resulting from not respecting these General Terms and Conditions. The client is responsible to cover for the damage immediately in the hotel or any other location (designated by the natural or legal person) that has suffered from damage. In the event of dispute between Roundabout d.o.o. and the Client all legal procedures are in competence of the Court in Ljubljana. Roundabout d.o.o. does not take responsibility for mistakes that may occur in the promotional material (catalogues, leaflets, brochures and websites). These General Terms and Conditions replace all the previously issued General Terms and Conditions.